Saturday, December 5, 2015

Notes on Interview

     Interviewing plays a vital role in how we communicate with each other. Interviewing is one of the best ways to gain information. Talking with an expert can often be more helpful than reading an article or book.
     An interview is a conversation controlled but dot dominated by one person who asks questions of another person. An interview must have a purpose. The purpose may be to learn what people think or to gather information about a new idea or discovery.

Using Interviews to Gather Information

     Interview comes form a French word, entrevoir, which means "to see one another." A good interview grows out of a personal relationship between people.

1. Consider Your Audience
     A professional interviewer has one specific purpose: to act as a proxy for the audience. Your task as interviewer is to keep the interests of your potential audience in mind. Who ultimately hear the information you are gathering? The teacher? Your classmates? The ability to anticipate what those people would like to know makes a great interviewer.

2. Be Curious
     The best interviewers bring a passionate curiosity to the job. Great interviewers are brave enough to ask the natural questions, even at the risk of making themselves seem foolish. You must always make an effort to generate some curiosity about whatever person you choose to interview. Everyone has an interesting story to tell, and you can find it if you ask the right questions.
     A lack of curiosity will lead to the following: 
  • You make up a list of question and go through them from beginning to end--no matter what the person you are interviewing wants to talk about.
  • You don't listen to the answer. You just worry about the next question.
  • If an answer confuses you, you don't like to let on.
  • You think more of what the person thinks of you that all your energy in the interview goes into playing a role.
     If you have the right attitude, you may hear yourself makes these comments during an interview:
  • That's fascinating. Tell me more.
  • I had no idea--whatever made them do that?
  • How did you feel when that happened?
3. Preparing for an Interview

     Choosing a person to interview and arranging a time and place suitable for the interview are problems you must solve before you can ask the first questions.

Getting an Interview
     If possible, create a an easy interview situation. Choose people who want to talk or are agreeable or cooperative. Sometimes, it may take some persistence on your part to get some people to speak. In such a situation, try to meet the demands of these people especially with the time and venue of the interview.

Select a Subject Carefully
     No matter how skillful you are, an interview won't work if you haven't chosen the right person.
Always interview an expert. You are sure to learn more and gain better information than you have would have by asking friends or people who have are in a different field.

Choose When and Where
     The best setting for an interview is a place where you won't be disturbed. You want to hav eyour subject's undivided attention. Any interruptions during the interview will distract your subject, break the rapport--the feeling of trust and cooperation--you have developed, and stretch out the time the whole interview takes. A quiet place where you have your subject's undivided attention is the best place to conduct an interview.

     Be sure that you don't cheat yourself on the amount of time you request. Beginners often worry that they will take too much of the subject's time and quit too early.
On the other hand, it is rude to take more time than you requested.

4. Doing Your Homework     You need to learn all you can about your subject. The preparation you do before an interview helps you create good questions. When you have the basic biographical facts, you are free to concentrate on more imaginative questions.

5. Dress for Success
     Dress appropriately based on the venue and time of the interview, your subject, or the topic.

6. Take What You Need
   Be sure to take the right equipment with you to an interview. You should always have a small notebook and open even if you plan to use a tape recorder. The notebook shows your subject that you mean business and it encourages talking.
Asking Effective Questions
     Prepare a list of questions. Your goal is to guide the conversation where you want it to go. Keep your questions brief and to the point. Build your most important questions on the famous five Ws and an H. Strive as much as possible to develop open-ended questions. Your goal is to use short questions to produce long answers and not the other way around. Be ready to react to the twists and turns of the conversation. Listen for intriguing statements, and when you hear one, ask a follow-up question.
Avoid yes-no questions.

Conducting Interviews over the Phone

     An interview is probably best done face-to-face, but sometimes that just isn't possible. A phone interview forces you to concentrate on what your subject is saying. Keep in mind, that's it is easy to let your mind wander when you don't have your subject right in front of you. Keep distractions to a minimum.
Interview for a Job or Scholarship

Interviews are certainly vital to your future success.

1. Use Communication Skills to Your Advantage
     Prospective employers are not out to embarrass you or trip you up; they only want to gain an accurate impression of you and your abilities. In particular, they want to know how you communicate with other people.

2. Be Alert and Energetic
     During the interview, try to show energy and enthusiasm. Sit on the edge of your chair and lean slightly forward. Keep eye contact with the person interviewing you. Don't become so wrapped up in answering questions that you forget to connect on a personal level with your interviewer.

3. Pay Attention
     Pay attention to the interviewer's name and use her name occasionally in your answers. During the interview, remember to be an active listener and show respect for the interviewer.

4. Get There on Time
     Plan to arrive about 15 minutes early. Make sure you know how to get to the interview venue and how long the travel time is before the interview day.

After the Interview

     Consider every interview a learning experience. As soon as possible after the interview, jot down some notes on how you would like tonight improve. Replay the highs and lows.

Anticipate Questions

     Good planning means that you try to guess, as best you can, the questions you may be asked in an interview and give some thought to how you might answer them. Most interviews boil down to why you are applying, what kind of person you are, and what you can do. Prepare a short list of positive points you wish to make about yourself. Be alert for situations where you can bring them into conversation. Here are a few possibilities:

Puff balls. Puff balls are easy questions. One example is "Tell me about yourself." Use a question like this as a springboard to tell the interviewer something you have planned to say.
Pauses. Inevitably, you will feel a lull in the conversation. In any event, a pause gives you another chance to use some initiative. While the interview is momentarily distracted jump in and offer to talk about a subject you know will show your skills and abilities to best advantage.

Bridges. A bridge is a transition form one answer to another. Suppose the interviewer asks, "Have you been late for work?" Your first answer--"Yes"--and then, by cleverly using a bridge, you turn the original question toward something else you wanted to talk about. "I was late once," you say, "but it was because I stopped to help a child who had fallen off a bike."

Rehearse Tough Questions

1. Where do you see yourself in five years? The interviewer probably wants to know if you are ambitious.

2. Why should I hire you? The firm finds out how well you understand its needs and responsibilities that come with the position you are applying for. 

3. Why do you want to work here? This is where the employer finds out how much you know about its organization. You want to convey your interest in contributing to its mission.      

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Notes on Interpersonal Communication

     Effective communication takes into consideration the people involved, the nature of the message, and the circumstances.
     Interpersonal communication is the art of getting along with and communicating effectively with other people--especially in a one-on-one setting.
     Social communication is communication that occurs in your personal and your community life, while professional communication is communication that takes place on the job or is related to your career. Studies indicate that 70 percent of our day is spent working and interacting with other people. Thus, remember that appropriate interpersonal communication is respectful communication. For example,

  • When you speak to a person, you make direct eye contact
  • When you meet your prospective boss, you offer a firm handshake
  • When you bring a friend into your house, introduce her or him to your family
     Knowing how to act or behave in a given situation is necessary for interpersonal communication success. Hence, tact and courtesy are needed.
     Courtesy refers to the way that you treat people. It means politeness is when you are courteous, and you exhibit respectful consideration for others; in addition, you show good manners. Tact refers to the way you deal with people diplomatically. You try to say or do what is most fitting, based on the occasion.

Appropriate Tone

     When communicating with other people, it is important that you use the correct tone, or the mod that you verbally--and non-verbally--create. In addition to your words that you use, your tone is the "attitude" that you give to others.

     Most people think of an aggressive tone or communication approach  is often pushy and brash. The aggressive approach wants to win at all costs, even if that means intimidating manipulating, or belittling others in the process.
     A non-assertive tone or communication approach shows a lack of action and energy. A non-assertive person rarely speaks and often appears disinterested.
     The middle ground between aggressive and non-assertive is the assertive tone or communicative approach is direct, yet tactful. Assertive communication know when to talk, when to keep quiet, and how to give their opinions in a manner that is courteous and respectful. People who use the assertive tone create an overall mood of harmony because they always consider these specifics before acting or speaking:
  • Location--is this the right place to talk?
  • Timing--is this the right time to talk?
  • Intensity--what can I do to keep calm and not come off as overbearing?
  • Relationships--how well do I know the person to whom I'm about to speak? Also, how does each person's role and responsibility affect the situation?
     Whether in social or professional situations, the assertive communicator has a warm friendly voice; uses respectful words; has a calm, relaxed appearance; sends positive nonverbal signals to others; and makes direct, yet nonthreatening eye contact. Using an assertive tone will help you solve problems and avoid shouting matches.

Beware of Gossip

     Rumor spreaders or those who act as they are "in the know," are not seen as true friends and, overall, are not trusted. Studies at both Purdue University and Ohio State University confirm that when a person makes a positive or negative comment about someone else, listeners associate those qualities with the speaker as well.

People Skills

     When you have the people skills, you exhibit the ability to work well with others because you take the time to make them feel at ease. The possessing such skills know and then apply certain polite communication procedures that are just appropriate anywhere.
     Those with people skills know the value and appropriateness of (1) making introductions, (2) participating effectively in conversations, (3) offering and receiving criticism, and (4) giving clear and accurate directions.

Making Introductions

     If you are with a friend and others join you, social and business "appropriateness" demands that you know how to introduce people. Here are a few suggestions:
  • Stop what you are doing.
  • Be friendly. 
  • Address everyone by name. "John, Maria--I would like to meet my coworker, Constance."
  • State what you are doing. "She and I have been working on that inventory report that is due on Monday."
  • Introduce the others.  "Constance, this is John who works in the Production Department; and this is Maria, who works in Advertising."
  • Ask a question or make a comment to get the others talking. "John, I think that you and Constance are form the same part of the country. Didn't you say that you were from Texas?"
  • Work to make everyone feel included in the conversation. 
Participating Effectively in Conversations

     Conversation, or dialogue, is the oral exchange of thoughts and feelings involving two or more people. Avoid falling victim to three conversation killers:
  • Talking too much (motor-mouth or know-it-all)
  • Talking too little (bored or uninterested)
  • Interrupting 
Offering and Receiving Criticism

     The word criticism means "an evaluation or a judgment." We usually hear this word used in a negative context, where someone or something is being corrected or reprimanded.

     Offering Criticism--convey a constructive interpersonal communication attitude. Giving criticism should be viewed as a way of encouraging someone to improve. Therefore, use language that shows tact and politeness.
     Receiving criticism--paying close attention to constructive criticism is the way that we learn how to get better both as friend and as a worker. Here are some steps to follow:
  • Maintain composure.
  • Allow others to finish what they have to say. 
  • Don't interrupt.
  • Be a good listener.
  • Ask questions courteously.
  • Thank the person for her or his thoughts and observations.
Giving Clear and Accurate Directions

     When directions are unclear, then the people involved are themselves unclear on how to complete a task or get from point A to point B in an effective, efficient manner. Socially and professionally, remember the four ABCs when it comes to pointing people in the right direction:
  • Always be clear
  • Always be complete
  • Always be concise
  • Always be considerate
Always Be Clear
  • Think before you speak. 
  • Go slowly.
  • List your directions in sequential order.
  • Use transition words (such as firsts of all, next, or finally).
  • Stress key words, such as action verbs (turn, copy, or print) or concrete nouns (red light, computer, folder, or time sheet).
  • Eliminate unnecessary words and steps.
  • Watch for nonverbal signs of confusion. 
  • Ask for the directions to be repeated back to you when you've finished. 
Always Be Complete

     Be thorough. Don't assume that people can fill in the blanks or that they "know" what you are saying.

Always Be Concise

     Be brief with your directions. Get to the point.

Always Be Considerate

     Consider the appropriateness of the following:
  • Location--Is this area too noisy for these directions to be heard?
  • Timing--Is this the right time to give directions? It's just about noon; I guess I'll wait until after lunch instead. 
  • Tone--I can't be aggressive. I don't want to make everyone nervous and on edge. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Notes on Listening

     Listening is the receiving part of the communication process, but simply sensing what was said is just the beginning. When you listen, according to Webster's New World Dictionary, you make "conscious effort to hear."
     Studies show that we remember only about 25 percent of what we hear. Although most people speak about 120-10 words per minute, people can listen about six times as fast. Our brains simply work faster than our mouths. This "rate gap" helps explain why our minds sometimes start to wander while we listen.

Four Ways to Listen
  1. Appreciative listening
  2. Discriminative listening
  3. Emphatic listening
  4. Critical listening
Why Listening Matters

     Good listeners encourage speakers to do their best. Listening is a way of saying the talker. Effective listening involves not only tuning in to others, but tuning in to ourselves as well. Listening carefully to what we say and how we say it can teach us an immense amount about ourselves.
     Listening is a thinking skill, because it requires us to be selective with our attention, to classify and categorize information, and to sort out important principles and concepts from a stream of facts, jokes, and stories.

A Small Price to Pay
     To listen we must pay attention. In listening, we pay out our most personal assets--time, interest, and effort--to receive something in return: information, entertainment, and comfort.
     Researchers say that many of our most deeply held convictions come form things we hear, not things we read.

Listening Bad Habits
  1. Tune out dull topics
  2. Fake attention
  3. Yield to distractions
  4. Criticize delivery or physical appearance
  5. Jump to conclusions
  6. Overreact to emotional words
  7. Interrupt
  8. Filters
     Information goes through many filters when it passes from speaker to listener. Listeners filter what they hear based on their backgrounds and personalities.

Some Filters That Can Distort

  1. Education
  2. Biases
  3. Attitude
  4. Age
  5. Experience
  6. Emotion
  7. Religion
  8. Family
  9. Physical Condition
  10. Morals
     Improving your ability to listen is largely a matter of mental conditioning. Anytime you feel your emotional barriers or filters start to rise, make a conscious effort to:
  1. Refrain from judging or evaluating the speaker
  2. Focus you attention on the message
  3. Search for areas where you agree
  4. Keep an open mind
Not everyone shares the same beliefs. If you encounter a speaker having contradictory beliefs, you should:
  1. Be patient
  2. Pay closer attention to body language
  3. Hold your temper when you disagree
  4. Try Hard to put yourself in the speaker's position
Effective Listening Strategies

     To become a good listener, you must stay alert on several fronts at once, working with earths, eyes, and your whole being. Total body listening means, for starters, adopting the right posture for listening: face the speaker, establish eye contact, and block out distractions. Lean forward and nod occasionally. Good listening requires all of our senses and plenty of mental energy.

Listening to a Speech

    The beginning may be the most entertaining part of the speech--because the speaker is doing his/her utmost to gain your attention--but is usually not the most important. Somewhere shortly after the beginning of a speech, the speaker will state the main idea of the talk. Once you find the main idea, your listening job becomes much easier. Rather than hanging on every word as a speech begins, you should think about the title of the speech and make a few guesses about what direction the speaker might take.
     Be a critical listener during the body of the speech. Your main goal is to understand the speaker's message and intent. Another part of evaluating the accuracy and fairness of what you hear is determining whether any bias lurks in the speech.
    During the last part of a speech, the listener must be on guard for emotional appeals and propaganda, material designed to distort the truth or deceive the audience. Your job as a listener is to recognize whether the speaker is trying to mislead you. As a speaker ends her speech, ask yourself whether he/she has earned whatever acceptance or support the speaker is asking you to give.

Use Your Listening Spare Time to Advantage

Explore - one way to use your spare listening time is to explore what lies ahead in the speech by asking, "What does this person what me to believe?"

Analyze - another way to spend your listening spare time is to analyze the speaker's message. As the speaker makes arguments and defends assertions, ask yourself, "Are these reasons, examples, and facts, convincing? Are things exactly as the speaker says they are? Does this information match what I already know? Is he leaving anything out?"

Review - Speakers usually allow time for listeners to catch their breath. They may pause to make a transition: "Now let me talk about . . ." These moments give the listener an opportunity to review.

Search for Hidden Meanings - Throughout a speech, lecture, or presentation, listeners should listen "between the lines" in search of hidden meanings. Often what a person doesn't say may be as important as what she does say.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Notes on Building Confidence

  • Military strategists often say that "forewarned is forearmed." If you know what is coming, then  you can adequately prepare for the challenge.
  • Confidence is not a trait you are born with. It is a trait that anyone can develop.
  • Confidence is the feeling you have when you believe that you are capable of handling a situation successfully. This attitude is a result of ongoing preparation and practice.
  • Confidence is the internal skeletal framework of effective oral communication. Anchored to a solid value system, it gives stability to the speaker and makes her or his message believable.
Understanding Stage Fright

Stage fright, also referred to as communication apprehension that were afraid to speak.

What is fear?
  • Fear is a biological process by which animals and humans, secure the necessary energy to do a job that really matters--one that might potentially result in physical and/or psychological injury.
  • Fear activates our emergency energy system so that we can cope with danger.
  • When we are confronted with danger, our emergency energy system kicks in. This source of energy is mainly in the form of the adrenaline.
  • In every situation, we have choice of dealing with fear--or running form it. Biologists call this the fight or flight syndrome.
  • Phobia is a persistent, irrational fear.

Establishing an Accurate Expression

  • Perception refers to how you see things. To perceive means to gain an awareness and understanding of a person, an idea, or a situation.
  • An accurate perception is a tool that helps us learn more about ourselves, our objectives, and other people.
  • An inaccurate perception can cause us to blow things out of proportion, make a problem greater that it really is, and become our own worst enemies.
1.  Your Perception of the Audience
  • Studies on how well an audience perceives anxiety should comfort nervous speakers. Researchers have found that most report noticing little or no anxiety in a speaker.
2.  Your Perception of the Speech
  • You should see speaking as an opportunity to share something you consider valuable--your message--with your audience. Thus, the word speech should not be viewed as being synonymous with performance. Instead, a speech should be viewed as a chance that you've been given to say something meaningful to others.

3.  Your Perception of Yourself
  • In speaking, you should strive for excellence, but you should not always have to be perfect. Don't equate making a mistake with being a total failure.
  • To change your negative perception of yourself, recognize your own individual worth and like what you are.
  • Confidence or self-esteem is often the result of a self-discovery process.   
Examining the Planks of Confidence

Content - Have something worthwhile to say.
Organization - Have some type of outline that is easy for both you and your audience to follow.
Notes - Jot down ideas in a brief, directed (preferably outlined) form.

Friendliness - Be congenial. You can gain confidence if you express friendliness and see that your audience is giving your positive feedback.

Impression - Getting off to a good start is essential in building confidence.

Dedication - Practice, practice, and practice.

Empathy - Know how it feel that way. The term empathy means a sincere understanding of feelings thoughts, and motives of others.

Newness - Apply some originality. One of the best ways to put some originality in your speech is to tell a personal story.

Conviction - Believe in what you say.

Enthusiasm - Get fired up! However enthusiasm is directed energy.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Notes on Critical Approaches to Literature

  • Literary theorist Kenneth Burke famously described literary criticism as an ongoing conversation, one that began before we arrived and will continue after we leave.
  • Whenever we discuss literature, our appreciation or disdain for a text, interpret its meaning and mysteries, or cite it as an example of a larger trend in culture, we engage in literary criticism.
  • Literary critics and theorist are almost inevitably influenced by major shifts in philosophy, politics, history, science, technology, and economics.
  • Borrowing from all fields are particularly influential for twentieth-century theory and criticism.
  • Critical approaches should be considered as a lens through which a piece of literature can be examined.
  • A critical approach narrows down the overwhelming array of possibilities, providing specific approaches to take and questions to ask.
Formalist Criticism
  • This approach emerged in Russia in the early twentieth century and further developed in the United States and Great Britain under the heading of new criticism.
  • Formalists/new critics consider a successful text to be complete, independent, unified artifact whose meaning and value can be understood purely by analyzing the interaction of its formal and technical components.
  • The approach relies heavily on close reading or explication of the text.
Biographical Criticism
  • This approach emphasizes the belief that literature is created by authors whose unique experiences shaper their writing and therefore can inform our reading of their work.
  • Critics consult the author’s memoirs to uncover connections between the author’s life and the author’s work.
  • The approach is often used as part of a larger critical approach than as the primary critical strategy.
Historical Criticism
  • This approach emphasizes the relationship between a text and its historical context.
  • Historical critics highlight the cultural, philosophical, and political movements and ideologies prevalent during the text’s creation and reception.
  • Historical critics do extensive research which brings to light allusions, concepts, and vocabulary or word usage that would have been easily understood by the author or the original audience but may elude contemporary readers.
Psychological or Psychoanalytic Criticism
  • This approach stemmed from the works of Sigmund Freud.
  • Psychoanalytical critics in a sense study characters and authors as they would patients, looking in the text for evidence of childhood trauma, repressed sexual impulses, preoccupation with death, and so on.
  • Psychoanalytical critics examine the process and nature of literary creation, studying the ways in which create an emotional and intellectual readers and authors.
Archetypal, Mythic, or Mythological Criticism
  • This approach focuses on the patterns or features that recur through much literature, regardless of time period or cultural origins.
  • Carl Jung argued that humans share in a collective unconscious, or a set of characters, plots, symbols, and images that each evoke a universal response.
  • These recurring elements are called archetype and are likened to instincts.
  • Archetypal or mythological critics analyze the ways in which such archetypes function in literature.
Marxist Criticism
  • This approach is based on the writings of Karl Marx, who argued that economic concerns shape lives more than anything else, and that society struggle between the working classes and the dominant capitalist classes.
  • Marxists critics promote literature or interpretations of literature that can change the balance of power between social classes, often by subverting the vales of the dominant classes, or by inspiring the working classes to heroic or communal rebellion.
Structuralist Criticism
  • Structuralism emerged in France in the 1950s.
  • A work of literature can be fully understood only when a reader considers the system of conventions, or the genre which it belongs or responds.
  • Structuralist critics study systematic patterns or structures exhibited by many texts in a given genre.
  • They also look to literature to study the ways in which meaning is created across culture by means of a system of signs. 
New Historicism
  • New historicist look in literary history for “sites of struggle.”
  • Rather than focusing on canonical texts as representations of the most powerful or dominant historical movements, new historicists give equal  or more attention to marginal texts and non-literary texts. 
  • New Historicists attempt to highlight overlooked suppressed texts, particularly those that express deviation from the dominant culture of the time.
  • New Historicists study not just the historical context of a major literary text, but the complex relationship between text and culture, or the ways in which literature can challenge as well as support a given culture.
Gender Criticism
  • Feminist criticism also focuses on sociological determinants in literature, particularly the ways in much of the world’s canonical literature presents a patriarchal or male-dominated perspective.
  • Feministic critics highlight the ways in which female characters are viewed with prejudice, are subjugated to male interests, or are simply overlooked in its literature.
  • Queer theory emerged from gay and lesbian criticism partly in response to the AIDS epidemic and owes much to Michel Foucault’s work on power, discourse, and how language itself shapes our sense of who we are.
Ethnic Studies and Post-colonialism
  • Ethnic  studies employs a cross-curricular analysis that is concerned with the social, economic, and cultural aspects of ethnic groups.
  • An approach in literature that includes artistic and cultural traditions that are often pushed to the margins or considered in relation to a dominant culture.
  • The discipline of post-colonialism  found its beginnings in offering views of relations between the colonizing West and the colonized nations and regions that differed sharply form the conventional Western perspective.
Reader-Response Criticism
  • The approach emphasizes the role of the reader in the writer-text transaction.
  • Reader-response critics believe that each reader has a different set of experiences and views; therefore, each reader’s response to a text may be different.
  • The approach acknowledges the subjectivity of interpretation and aims to discover the ways in which cultural values affect reader’s interpretations.
Post-structuralism and Deconstruction
  • The approach was developed in France in the late sixties.
  • Post-structuralists believe that text do not have a single, stable meaning or interpretation, in part because language itself is filled with ambiguity, multiple meanings, and meanings that can change with time and context.
  • Post-structuralists believe that authors intentionally or unintentionally create even more multiple meanings through sound sense, connotation, or patterns of usage.  
  • The approach “deconstructs” the text to reveal inconsistency or lack of unity.
Cultural Studies
  • The critical perspective was developed in England during the sixties.
  • Cultural studies critics take a sociological approach to literature and their views are colored by the philosophical leftism of social philosophers.
  • The French influence of the approach emphasizes the view of society as a composition of various “texts” and imbuing everything with equal value.
  • Cultural criticism blurs the boundaries among disciplines and the lines between high art and popular culture.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Lit3 Schedule Monday-Thursday Class




Reading Literature and Responding to It Actively
The Necklace                            
by Guy de Maupassant





Reading Fiction
The Conjurer Made Off with the Dish
by Naguib Mahfouz



Reading Poetry
Ars Poetica
by Archibald MacLeish



Eating Fire and Drinking Water: Part 1
By Arlene Chai






The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber
 by Ernest Hemingway


by Pramoedya Ananta Toer



Eating Fire and Drinking Water: Part 2
by Arlene Chai






The Yellow Wallpaper
By Charlotte Perkins Gilman


Assembly Line
by Shut Ting, Translated by Carolyn Kizer



Eating Fire and Drinking Water: Part 3
by Arlene Chai






The  Night Talkers
by Edwidge Danticat


The Lottery
by Shirley Jackson



Those Winter Sunday
by Robert Hayden






The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
by Mamuro Hosoda




Princess Mononoke 
by Hayao Miyazaki





Discussion: The Girl Who Leapt Through Time



Discussion: Princess Mononoke






Eating Fire and Drinking Water: Part 4
By Arlene Chai



Final Examination Week











Deadline of Grades