Saturday, July 12, 2008

Street Art: Fun Use of Space in Visual Art

Elements of Visual Art: Space

Space exists as an illusion in the graphic arts but in sculpture and architecture it is actually present.Techniques in Creating Space in Drawings or Paintings.
  1. Overlapping Planes. A way of suggesting depth is by overlapping planes or volumes.
  2. Variations in Size.
  3. Variations in Color.
  4. Position on the Picture Plane. In certain paintings the spatial representation is based upon the position of forms relative to the bottom of the frame.
  5. Perspective. Artist often try to show space relationships of things as they appear in real life. When they wish to do so, they use linear perspective and aerial perspective, both which make up what we call as perceptual perspective.


Notes on Tone

Value is tonal relationships between light and dark areas in painting. It is also referred to as tone.

Notes on Color

Color is not a permanent property of things. It is derived from light whether natural or artificial. Color is a series of wavelengths which strike our retina. Every ray of light coming from the sun is composed of different waves which vibrate at different speeds. Any object has a color quality called pigmentation, which enables it to absorb some of the colors and reflect only one.

A Note on Cultural Studies

The emergence of cultural studies in the early 70s have revealed two approaches on culture--culture as an expression of people and culture as imposition on the people. This dualism has greatly enriched cultural studies.

Now the relationship between the cultural studies and literary studies is a complicated problem. Arguments about the relation between literary and cultural studies can be grouped around two topics: (1) literary canon and (2) cultural studies.

Culler, Jonathan. Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford U Press: New York, 1997.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Notes on Color Harmony

In visual experiences, harmony is something that is pleasing to the eye. It engages the viewer and it creates an inner sense of order, a balance in the visual experience. When something is not harmonious, it's either boring or chaotic. At one extreme is a visual experience that is so bland that the viewer is not engaged. The human brain will reject under-stimulating information. At the other extreme is a visual experience that is so overdone, so chaotic that the viewer can't stand to look at it. The human brain rejects what it can not organize, what it can not understand. The visual task requires that we present a logical structure. Color harmony delivers visual interest and a sense of order.

Color Wheel